RUN-EU Super Week 2022
Second RUN-EU Super Week has come to an end and what a wonderful week we…More
Second RUN-EU Super Week has come to an end and what a wonderful week we…More
Data-analytiikkaprojekti käynnistyi kolmatta kertaa Anne-Mari Järvenpään ja Jari Jussilan luotsaamana. Data-analytiikkaprojektin aikana syvennytään yritysten tarjoamaan…More
HAMK Freezing Week 2022 took place online during 07.02.2022 – 09.02.2022. The topic of the…More
Kansainvälinen tuotekehitysprojekti iPDP (International Product Development Project) käynnistyy jälleen maaliskuussa ja etsimme opiskelijoita sukeltamaan tuotekehityksen…More
Sometimes graphics have a significant power in impacting the world around us. In the context…More
RUN-EU Super Week was a self-educative experience that help us prove our skills and gave…More
It has been a bit over two years since HAMK Design Factory (DF) opened it’s…More
Design Factory and sponsor developing and creating a board game prototype with the possibility to…More
What inspires Design Factory staff to do what they do? How to ignite the passion…More
HAMK DF Bootcamp is a week-long event presenting Design Factory culture and activities. During the…More