Takedown request

In principle, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) is responsible for making sure that the material on its website complies with the law. However, the administrator of the website is not responsible for the content of the website in terms of copyrights, if it has acted on take-down requests, i.e. removed contents of which the copyright holder has informed it.

Take-down requests regarding HAMK’s blog service must be posted to:

Häme University of Applied Sciences / Online Communications
PO Box 230
13101 Hämeenlinna FINLAND

The following information must be included in the take-down request:

  • The name and contact information of the notifying party.
  • An itemisation of the material, for which prevention of access is requested, and details of the location of the material.
  • Confirmation by the notifying party that the material which the request concerns is, in his/her sincere opinion, illegally accessible in the communication network.
  • Information concerning the fact that the notifying party has in vain submitted his/her request to the content producer or that the content producer could not be identified.
  • Confirmation by the notifying party that he/she is the holder of copyright or neighbouring right or entitled to act on behalf of the holder of the right.
  • Signature by the notifying party.