Hoitotyön opiskelija mukana PDP:ssä
Ensimmäinen PDP (Product Development Project) opintojakso on tullut päätökseen ja matkan varrella esiintyneistä haasteista huolimatta…More
Ensimmäinen PDP (Product Development Project) opintojakso on tullut päätökseen ja matkan varrella esiintyneistä haasteista huolimatta…More
What has the Design Factory PDP experience been like during this COVID-19 quarantine? On March…More
Year 2020 has started and it is time to think about the hopes and dreams…More
Global Fashion Business (GFB) get-together was organized on 22 January 2020 at HAMK Design Factory.…More
During our Aalto Design Factory PdP course, the whole PdP team visited our project sponsor´s…More
How would zero-gravity feel? How would it feel to look infinity on space? How would…More
Students from HAMK are getting the chance to understand the working possibilities while using a…More
HAMK Design Factory Hämeenlinna facilities are located in the University Centre E-building. There are different…More
HAMK Design Factory will organize Product Development Project (PDP) in spring and fall in 2020.…More
Data Analytics Project Data Analytics Project is organized by HAMK Design Factory and Bioeconomy Engineering…More