Experience in Korean university
Hello! My name is Maria Takaeilola and I spent 4 months in South Korea’s capital,…More
Hello! My name is Maria Takaeilola and I spent 4 months in South Korea’s capital,…More
Greetings from Breda, Netherlands! As an exchange student studying at Breda University of Applied Sciences,…More
I went to Bali as an exchange student in autumn 2022. I took my 12-…More
The BIPAS campus in Udayana University, Bali My name is Mari, and I am a…More
In English below. Monella saattaa olla toiveita kansainvälisistä tuttavuuksista tai ystävistä, mutta ei ole ottanut…More
My name is Hannu Viitala and I’m the third-year student in HAMK and I’m studying…More
Hello ! My name is Gonçalo Pereira Miguel and today ill be talking about My…More
Beautiful, warm Madrid, lots of possibilities and places to visit. Sanna Nieminen-Vuorio, HAMK’s Business Information…More
Maritta Kitti is currently during her last training at the Hospital in Spain. She is…More
Meikä oli vaihdossa Skotlannissa Dundeen yliopistossa. Koko prosessin ajan sai HAMKilta suuresti apua, aina paikan…More