The concept presentations of the students formed the end of the intensive week, which were led by guest lecturers Michelle Lawrence and John Boddy (Falmouth University, UK). Four different student groups presented their collections for the “Morality Seekers” generation Z target group. Each group has solved this task in its own way. After three days of working with groups, the presentations were ready to be presented.
From small, crazy and different ideas every group was able to create a working concept, of course with help and guidance from our visiting experts.
The first group with its brand ETHIQUALITY presented a company that uses plastic from the polluted oceans to produce recycled material for its collection. Sustainability and fair trade play an important role.
The second group, (3)Dee, also makes the clothing in their collection from recycled materials, which are produced using the 3D printing process. This is a very innovative way of producing clothes, as there are no material residues. The collection convinces with clear lines and unusual materials.

LOOP was presented by the following group of students. The aim is also to recycle materials in order to close the production and recycling cycle. The target group includes women who want to make a change. The products in the collection are simple and easy. Simplicity plays an important role here.
The fourth and last group presented the company Lam (Living after midnight). Each person is unique and they aim to enable customers to customize the products. You can select a model online and then select samples and materials yourself. The products are to be sold in pop-up stores or at festivals. Each product is unique and makes it exclusive in a certain way.
4 groups, 4 different ideas
3D-printing, recycled plastic and fabric, clothing, footwear and accessories.

After the presentations each group got their feedback from our visitors. All the groups got good comments about their ideas, but also some critic. We got good tips and advice what kind of things to think about when working on a project like this. Really believe in the brand or the product you are creating. Do research! Is there anything similar on the market, what will make your idea stand out? Think the whole process: costs, making, marketing, possible problems and the future.
It was really a privilege to work with Michelle and John. Everyone has learned new ways and approaches and can use this knowledge for their further career.
Iida Rajala / Michael Hüyng