Developing a board game at Design Factory
Design Factory and sponsor developing and creating a board game prototype with the possibility to…More
Design Factory and sponsor developing and creating a board game prototype with the possibility to…More
Innovation requires several elements to be successful. These elements include (this list is not exhaustive!)…More
When we share our thoughts about different mindsets, knowledge, or experiences; How often are they…More
Moi tässä Alex West, opiskelen Parolan yhteiskoulussa seitsemännellä luokalla, suoritin TET-harjoitteluni HAMK Hämeen Ammattikorkea koulussa…More
Bachelor of Business Administration student Roosa studied in PDP2020. She wrote about her experiences on…More
Well hello and greetings from HAMK Design Factory. My name is Jali and I work…More
Well, how did the Aalto PDP experience really continue? Our PDP group continued its research,…More
What has the Design Factory PDP experience been like during this COVID-19 quarantine? On March…More
From Aalto Design Factory product development project. I have learned (still learning) that co-creation, collaboration,…More
Students from HAMK are getting the chance to understand the working possibilities while using a…More