Short courses for quick employment


HAALARI – wear your work clothes project organized a short training focused on forestry work in practice at the Evo campus. The course was held in English, as most participants were international students. A follow-up to this tree planting course is planned, as a similar five days long study program will be held at Evo in September 2024. The focus at that time will be on learning the basics of using a clearing saw. Signing up is open now. These free courses are intended for immigrants, unemployed job seekers, and newly graduated.

During the practical forestry work week, a group of motivated participants gathered at the Evo campus. Forestry in the Kanta-Häme region interested people from further afield as well. Everyone had the goal of learning the basics of the forestry at least at a level suitable for tree planting work. The short course covered the basics of forest regeneration, planting seedlings, and different types of seedlings. The study program also included occupational safety card and first aid training. The short training was compact and efficient package, offering participants good opportunities to quickly find work.

The course started with the basics of the forestry, such as tree species. Forestry lecturer Terhi Kaskioja with students.

In addition to the card training, the focus during the week was mainly on practical training. Project Manager Terhi Kaskioja commented: ”It was great that we found a partner who offered us a forest area for practicing. At the end of the course, we were able to do practical work. Two days were spent working diligently. The exercises went well for beginners, and on the second day, there was noticeable progress in the work. Most participants were in the Finnish forest for the first time, so we started with the basics of the forestry such as tree species and ended up planting a new forest.”

Participants getting to know Evo’s learning forests and different kind of tasks in learning environment.

The group spirit of the participants was warm and good, just like the weather in forest. Despite the heat, students were hard working and encouraged each other: ”Good job guys, energetic atmosphere!” The feedback received to the staff after the short course was also pleasant to read: ”The organizers were professional, considerate, encouraging, and inspiring. The study program with practical exercises was well planned.”

”Thanks to everyone for the good company and interesting discussions. What a pleasant week I had with you. Hopefully we will meet again,” commented one participant after the course.

A similar five-day short course will be held again at the Evo campus in autumn, from 9th to 13th of September 2024. The course will be bilingual (easy Finnish and English) and will include the same occupational safety card and emergency first aid trainings. The main theme will be on learning the basics of using a clearing saw. Registrations are now open. You don’t have to have any experience of clearing saw to attend to the course. A participation certificate will be provided, which will be a valuable addition to everyone’s CV.

It is good to ask in advance about the accommodation options on the campus – students have really liked Evo as a learning environment. There are also plenty of outdoor and wilderness activities to do even during leisure time.

Learning new things and the secrets of tree planting in the forest of a co-operation company.
The highlight of the day – snack break!
Successful performance from the whole team.

These short courses are part of the action in the HAALARI – wear your work clothes project, which is co-funded by the European Union.

Read more: 
HAALARI – wear your work clothes 
Hämeen ammatti-insituutti 

Sari Hattula

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