Design Factory is a space of doing that spans many disciplines of design. On Monday, September 23 we were happy to host a group of Flower & Design students from Clusius College Alkmaar that gave a bridal fashion design demonstration and workshop about for their Finnish fellow students of Design at Häme University of Applied Sciences. The Stage at Design Factory served as both working spaces and also for display of the designs.

The workshop was organized as part of an exchange project between Finnish and Dutch students that takes place from 15 till 29 September. The workshop was in preparation for a bridal show that will take place in the Netherlands in November 2019. The Woodland theme will be supplemented with six bridal fashion designs combined with floral decorations.

During the demonstration, the students showed how they technically make a wreath, bouquet, flower arrangement and wrist corsage. The Finnish students were then invited to make a wrist corsage of the materials prepared under the supervision of the Dutch students. An educational and surprising collaboration.
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