Five important standards


Standards are everywhere around us: they guarantee safety, ensure product compatibility and better quality. In honor of the World Standards Day, here are some standards that affect all our lives — whether we know it or not.

HAMK library has access to SFS Online, where you can find latest versions of Finnish standards. Use HAMK credentials to access SFS Online.

SFS-EN ISO 22000 Food safety management systems

A food safety management system benefits not only food industry companies, but also us all. It improves consumer safety, ensures legal compliance, streamlines operation and strengthens brand reputation, which can lead to improved business success.

Energy performance of buildings (group 94)

Energy efficiency standards help find solutions that save energy and protect the environment. They include thermal benefits, the characteristics of the building, the climatic conditions of the country and the requirements set for the indoor environment.

SFS-EN ISO 9001 Quality management systems

The purpose of quality management systems is to develop company functions and to improve customer satisfaction. This system ensures that management, use of resources and processes are always in good order. Continuous data collection, research and improvement are also an important part of any quality management system.

SFS-EN ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems

An occupational health and safety system is very useful for both individuals and organizations. It promotes health and safety, improves efficiency, helps with legal compliance and strengthens an organization’s reputation as a responsible operator.

SFS-EN ISO 14001 Environmental management systems

Environmental systems benefit everyone. They help to reduce environmental problems, improve legal compliance, save costs, increase competitive advantage while promoting sustainable development.

Thank you for the image: blickpixel @ Pixabay 

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