Five books for the start of the new study year


During the summer, we gathered lighter non-fiction books on each campus to create a separate POP collection. These titles have been selected from the POP collection; we hope they will be useful as you start your HAMK studies.

Cottrell, S. (2019). 50 ways to succeed as an international student. Red Globe Press.

International student, welcome to Finland! During the first few months of your studies you will be introduced to the peculiarities of Finnish ways. Cottrell’s little guide book takes a more general view to what studying abroad is like and give useful hints on how to do well, both academically and in your daily life in a foreign country.

Roam, D. (2014). Show & tell: How everybody can make extraordinary presentations. Portfolio Penguin.

Part of your studies and your path to become a professional, you need to be prepared for public speaking, often with only a moment’s notice. Public speaking does not have to be as hard as you may think, at least according to Roam who draws on the basic steps of show and tell. He has three simple rules: tell the truth, tell it with a story and tell the story with pictures. Following these rules, you will be able to captivate you audience and make a lasting impression.

Michalko, M. (2006). Thinkertoys: A handbook of creative-thinking techniques (2nd ed.). Ten Speed Press.

Michalko argues that by changing your perspective, you will be able to see more possibilities. It will lead you to new ideas and insights. Thinkertoys introduces you to several techniques, both old and new, that will help you find that new perspective. His techniques include both linear (e.g. attribute listing), and intuitive (e.g. dreams).

Vaynerchuk, G. (2018). Crushing it!: How great entrepreneurs build their business and influence — and how you can, too. HarperBusiness.

Have you thought about the way you conduct yourself in social media? How would a stranger describe you, based on your Instagram account? As you start your studies, you can also start building a more professional brand for yourself. Vaynerchuk tells you how to do it, and where.

Schatz, R., Jarla, P., & Berka, M. (2015). Finland: what a country! Johnny Kniga.

Roman Schatz has been living in Finland more that thirty years now, and still continues to both amuse and annoy us with his keen observations of Finnish culture and people. In his nine essays, Schatz discusses topics like alcohol, seasons, daily life, and more.

Thank you for the image: Monsterkoi @ Pixabay 

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