Internship experience with HAMK Talent Boost
I had the privilege to undertake an internship between April and May 2023 at HAMK…More
I had the privilege to undertake an internship between April and May 2023 at HAMK…More
Työharjoittelu ulkomailla on paljon muuta kuin vain työtä! Näin ainakin itse koin ajanjakson Alankomaiden Leeuwardenissa,…More
During late February, when I was in my 2nd year I was thinking whether if…More
Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu’s friendship programme between international students and local people continues. We are still looking…More
HAMK talent Boost arrange a series of webinars and workshops to help boost your job…More
Olin vaihdossa Lillehammerissa kevätlukukauden 2023. Olen ollut aina kiinnostunut Norjasta niin kielen kuin kulttuurin osalta…More
Bonjour everyone! I’m Oliver Shults, an International Business student at HAMK. I recently came back…More
Training and course opportunities Boost your job search skills with HAMK Talent Boost. Save the…More
Ahoy international students! August 2023 is here, and it marks the opening of a new…More