Observations of Trust, Motivation and Empowerment
My name is Carolina Carvalho. I´m a Brazilian university lecturer and I came to Häme…More
My name is Carolina Carvalho. I´m a Brazilian university lecturer and I came to Häme…More
This post tells about Elisabeth Erlholtz’s, a Finnish teacher student, experiences on her practical teacher training…More
When we implement educational innovation and pedagogical change, we often face some resistant colleagues. As…More
В своей жизни я очень рада международной программе “Болашак” каторый направил меня в и очень…More
21st Century teachers are more learner-centred and technology savvy. We know we shape the future…More
Hidden treasures in Global Education and personal life I was living in Finland in 2016…More
We had a delight to organise The VET Teachers for the Future -Programme’s Graduation seminar,…More
Minister of Education and Culture, Mrs Sanni Grahn-Laasonen appointed recently a Teacher Education Forum. It…More
You are welcome to follow the new blog of the Global Education R&D Team of HAMK…More