Collaboration with The Dominican Republic Continues – Photo Gallery of the Study Visit in Finland
Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) continues the transnational programme of educational leadership together with…More
Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK) continues the transnational programme of educational leadership together with…More
From the beginning of 2019 I’ve had a change to participate to Erasmus+ -project called…More
Two joint study projects during the academic years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 have been carried out…More
Global markets and the exponential development cycles of information technology have transformed both education and…More
Meu nome é Marize Lyra Silva Passos, sou professora há mais de 20 anos no…More
Eu fui convidada pela Dr. Essi Ryymin para falar um pouco sobre a minha experiência…More
Häme Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas ha iniciado una programa de formación transnacional de liderazgo educativo…More
随着新工业化、制造业和信息技术的发展,高度集成智能化生产已成为中国未来发展的趋势。中国社会也随之对雇员的综合素质提出了更高的要求,并加大对培养具备现代先进生产技术人员教育的投入。 2015年5月,中国国务院正式印发《中国制造2025》(Lin 2016)。《中国制造2025》提出,以 “创新驱动、质量为先、绿色发展、结构优化、人才为本”为基本方针 (Kennedy 2015; Lin 2016) ,通过 “三步走”实现制造强国的宏伟目标。第一步,到2025年迈入制造强国行列;第二步,到2035年中国制造业达到世界制造强国阵营中等水平;第三步,到2049年,中国进入世界制造和高科技强国前列。简而言之,中国要在人工智能、生物技术和机器人技术等未来关键技术和行业中占有领导地位(Annunziata 2018)。 重点创新 《中国制造2025》反复强调“创新”这个词。这意味着创新对中国制造业的发展具有重要意义。中国传统制造业的转型升级和新兴产业的发展需要多种职业技能和创新能力。 根据《中国制造2025》,有必要将科学研究与实际生产紧密结合起来,注重提高科技成果转化率,为制造业提供先进技术(另见Liu 2016)。…More
Häme University of Applied Sciences Finland has established new transnational training programme of educational leadership…More
This famous quote from Albert Einstein exactly describes how I feel when I have been…More