Visit of the European Economic and Social Committee 2019


From 4th November until 8th November 2019 our International Business course “Exploring European Markets” of Häme University of Applied Sciences went on a trip to Brussels for our Brussels Project. There, we visited many different institutions of the European Union (EU), including the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).


Preparation for the visit

Our meeting point on Wednesday, 6th November, was in front of the building. After everyone arrived, we all had to go through a security check and passport control. Before we met our host, our group held a presentation with a brief introduction of the EESC to have already an insight into the activities and the work of this institution.


Appointment with our host

To continue our visit, we were told to go to a meeting room where we met our host who shared much important and interesting information with us. What we learned is that the EESC consists of 350 members of all Member States of the EU who all work together and represent the interests of the citizens of their home country. The Members get appointed for a renewable five-year term. The goal is to have an impact on EU policy-making and legislation. Represented are the interests of three different groups: the employers, workers and the Diversity Europe Group to reach a general agreement.

Nine times a year, the EESC members meet for plenary sessions in Brussels to discuss the relevant topics. If the majority votes for a certain topic, it will be forwarded to the EU Parliament and the EU Council for further steps. The president and two Vice-presidents are elected every two-and-a-half years by the members of the EESC.

Younger generations need to dare to change the world

– Luca Jahier, EESC President

The European Economic and Social Committee works closely together with students and organises different events and programs for students and schools.


Termination of the visit

After the conversation with our host, he surprised us with a visit to the terrace which had a beautiful view of the European Quarter.



To sum up, we were very glad that HAMK gave the students the chance to have an insight into the EESC and other EU institutuions. We learned more about the importance of their functions. Now we have a better understanding how the processes perform. This perception is fundamental of beeing a EU citizen.


If we raised your interest you can read more about this topic on EESC’s website.


– Carina Berschauer & Jarena Saitz



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