From Jamaica to HAMK – An Engineer’s Story
Daniel Kelly is studying Electrical and Automation Engineering in Valkeakoski, Finland. Daniel, why did you…More
Daniel Kelly is studying Electrical and Automation Engineering in Valkeakoski, Finland. Daniel, why did you…More
During the summer 2020, HAMK carried out a commission by the elevator company KONE to…More
Igor Trotskii, Data Scientist at Metso When Igor started his studies at Electrical and Automation…More
HAMKin Valkeakosken kampuksella vietettiin maaliskuun lopussa kansainvälistä vaihtoviikkoa, jonka aikana sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan opiskelijat kolmesta…More
Alumni: Matti Kaartinen Valmistunut 2016 Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulusta, Sähkö- ja automaatiotekniikan koulutusohjelmasta. Mistä muotoutui kiinnostus alalle?…More
I just want to say that I am really happy when I decided to take…More
Choosing to study Automation Engineering at HAMK was absolutely the right decision to make. It…More