Material library for the laser cutters
In HAMK’s Design Factory’s Laser corner there are two laser cutters. With them, you can…More
In HAMK’s Design Factory’s Laser corner there are two laser cutters. With them, you can…More
International Business exchange student Daniel Sypko worked as a trainee for HAMK’s Freezing Week event…More
Максим – выпускник HAMK по программе Международный Бизнес. Максим окончил HAMK в 2018 году и…More
Елизавета Туник изучает международный бизнес в кампусе в Валкеакоски, HAMK UAS. Елизавета считает Валкеакоски прекрасным…More
HAMK University of Applied Sciences has a diverse group of peers with various international backgrounds,…More
This is Julia Halonen, she is a second year International Business student. This is our…More
Maanantaina HAMKissa järjestettiin 1. ja 3. vuoden liiketalouden opiskelijoille luentotilaisuus, jossa opiskelijat pääsivät kuulemaan henkilöstöjohtamisesta…More