Exchange 101 – Experiences during the exchange
Aino Perälä is a 3rd year student of Horticulture at HAMK. Her exchange destination is…More
Aino Perälä is a 3rd year student of Horticulture at HAMK. Her exchange destination is…More
Jenni Kämäräinen is a third year student of Business Administration at HAMK. Her exchange destination…More
Moikka! Olen Susanna ja opiskelen rakennusmestariksi toista lukuvuotta Hämeenlinnan kampuksella. Olimme RUN EU -matkalla Euroopan…More
Daniel Sypko is a German student who has decided to come to HAMK in Finland…More
Beautiful, warm Madrid, lots of possibilities and places to visit. Sanna Nieminen-Vuorio, HAMK’s Business Information…More
Maritta Kitti is currently during her last training at the Hospital in Spain. She is…More
Oona Luttinen – second year student of Business Administration is currently discovering benefits of her…More
Meikä oli vaihdossa Skotlannissa Dundeen yliopistossa. Koko prosessin ajan sai HAMKilta suuresti apua, aina paikan…More