RUN-EU Super Week Autumn 2022


Third RUN-EU Super Week organized in HAMK Hämeenlinna campus is behind and we have gathered a summary from the week. This year we had combined the pedagogical and design factory bootcamp program so our teacher and staff guests had a combination of both programs. SAP students worked with HAMK’s first year business students for the week.

Welcome to Super Week!

On the first day of Super Week we welcomed our guests to HAMK and to HAMK Design Factory. We started with teamworking and team building activities so everyone get to know each others. After that we started our first interactive lecture about Perspectives on good teaching, learning and wellbeing.

In collaborative team work we discussed together about learning environments and how to integrate wellbeing aspects to teaching and learning. Liisa Postareff from HAMK Edu shared different approaches to learning and the research behind it. Jari Jussila from HAMK Design Factory continued with Design Thinking methology and the importance of sustainability in the projects. Day continued with toy workshop on How to create learning environments that support wellbeing. Toys were there to support the ideation process and helping to put thoughts and feelings into words.

Pecha Kucha and culture work

Week continued with Pecha Kucha presentations where everyone introduced themselves and their institutions through pictures. There were 20 seconds for every picture to explain what it means and why it is there. After lunch Hilda who was doing her 9th grade work placement during Super Week took our guests for a walk by the lakeside and held an outside exercise for everyone. In the afternoon a guest lecturer from IPCA talked about how they integrate future skills at curriculum level and what is 50+10 hours concept for future skills.

On Wednesday Essi Ryymin started the morning with Learning Future Skills at Work in Transforming Industries. Day continued with Building RUN-EU Pedagogical Culture where Super Week participants were thinking about culture aspects in pedagogy. After the culture work we had design students here to do user research for the HAMK Design Factory business gift project. Students interviewed our guests and presented their ideas, concepts and prototypes and after that they received feedback from the guests. In the evening we had a social event where everyone could spend some time together and have fun.

It’s all about prototyping

Thursday was all about prototyping! We fully focused on prototyping and what does it mean and what kind of prototypes it is possible to do and build. The topic of the session was: What kind of workshop for developing compassion, resiliency, wellbeing or other future skill would you like to organize for the students? There were cardboard prototypes but also prototypes were presented through plays and games. In the afternoon our guests had some free time to get to know to Hämeenlinna city, do work or to relax.

Friday was our last day and we focused on wellbeing and relaxing. Juulia Lahdenperä from HAMK Edu talked about education 5.0, negative and positive stress and self-compassion. She held a self-compassion meditation exercise and after that our guests and us had an opportunity to think about what we have learned this week. Aim of the Friday session was to make sure that everyone can start their travels back home calm and so that the hectic feeling can be left behind.

Thank you everyone for participating to the RUN-EU Super Week! 

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