IB student Ieva spent four months in USA: ”Exchange is absolutely one of the greatest experiences that you will ever have!”
International Business student Ieva wanted to see the world and when she heard about the…More
International Business student Ieva wanted to see the world and when she heard about the…More
Anastasiya Malyshenko is recently graduated and she studied International Business in Valkeakoski campus. She came to Finland…More
Career Week brings together companies from Valkeakoski area and International Business students from HAMK to…More
Elias Järvinen opiskeli VAAO:n (Valkeakosken ammattiopisto) kansainvälisellä merkonomilinjalla ja innostui opintoihin kuuluvista HAMKin avoimen ammattikorkean IB:n…More
Welcome to our – Edona’s and Tintti’s blog! As two International Business students of Häme…More
Jesse Nio is an International Business student who is graduating at the end of this…More
Ville Virkki is HAMK’s alumni from International Business. He runs a very popular hostel and…More
Dominique Troisfontaine (23) comes from the Netherlands and he is doing his exchange here at…More
Hongkong, Peking, Kanada, Belgia, Saksa, lista vain jatkuu. Tamperelaislähtöinen Henna Hirvonen opiskelee viimeistä vuottaan IB:ssä.…More