Amazing Business Train 12 Virtual – Introduction to the background team


The Amazing Business Train is currently underway. ABT is HAMK’s study module, where working together creates innovations that shape the environment. This year ABT was arranged virtually due to the covid, so it has taken new arrangements to achieve it.

Who is involved in organizing Amazing Business Train 12 Virtual?

Vesa Tuomela and Jukka Raitanen work as an coach in ABT, but the background team includes also course coordinator Anni Pajunen and Aleksanteri Raitala, who is responsible for communications. Anni and Alesanteri’s work tasks include preparations related to the study module, background tasks during implementation and communication after implementation. These include communication, marketing, the assembly and visualization of various support materials used in studies, and the preparation of work and communication platforms.

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Team behind Amazing Business Train 12 virtual implementation

What are your job responsibilities?

” Before the implementation, I participate in the planning of the implementation together with the coaches. I marketing education to students and made brochures on education. I coordinate enrollments and participate in team building. During the preparation phase of the implementation, my tasks include assembling and visualizing various study and support materials, such as working kit. I will send a message about general issues to the students involved in the implementation and answer questions from them. I participate in the design of social media posts and blog posts and help Aleksanteri implement them.” -Anni

” In preparing the study module, I helped Anni to design and implement working kit. My duties included creating and visualizing elements. I also created the visual appearance of Miro, which serves as a student work platform, and built channels in Teams that students use in their internal communication. I write, image and edit material for communication that can be utilized in blog posts and social media.  I will also answer students questions during implementation.” -Aleksanteri

Aleksanteri Raitala, Business Administration Trainee
Anni Pajunen, Project Assistant, Business Administration

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