This is what we read in HAMK in 2024


Last year was a good one for the use of library e-collections, which increased in almost all our online services. Most of the titles on the TOP 10 lists are familiar from previous years, but there were a few notable newcomers, as well. Suomen mestari 1 was the biggest surprise, taking the two top placements as the most borrowed print books of the year. They do not feature in the top lists below, for these lists include only books and journals in English.

The most read book in English last year was OCR as business, the most read journal was Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The most read magazines were MIT Tech Review, PC Pro and Ceramics monthly.

Finnish books, magazines, journals etc. have been excluded from the TOP10-lists below. For more inclusive lists, see Näitä HAMK luki 2024 (in Finnish). The following TOP10 lists do not record the number of use, for they are not comparable with each other. For more detailed information, please contact the library.

Books and e-books

All e-books

Note. Does not include O’Reilly e-books.
1. OCR AS Business (Ebook Central)
2. RCM–Gateway to World Class Maintenance (Ebook Central)
3. Principles of Marketing, Global Edition (VitalSource)
4. Innovation Management and New Product Development (VitalSource)
5. Designing Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) with the ARM Mbed (Ebook Central)
6. Beyond Change Management (Ebook Central)
7. IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems (Ebook Central)
8. Storytelling with Data (Ebook Central)
9. Human Resource Management, Global Edition (VitalSource)
10. Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses at a Glance (Ebook Central)

Library print books in English

1. Residential landscape architecture
2. Technical formulas
3. Technology of engineering materials
4. How to grow in a ModulAIR glasshouse
5. Dear patient
6. Introduction to forest operations and technology
7. Principles of horticultural physiology
8. Finnish, an essential grammar
9. Physics for scientists & engineers with modern physics
10. A grammar book of Finnish

Ebook Central e-books

1. OCR AS Business
2. RCM–Gateway to World Class Maintenance
3. Designing Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) with the ARM Mbed
4. Beyond Change Management
5. IEC 61131-3: Programming Industrial Automation Systems
6. Storytelling with Data
7. Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses at a Glance
8. Introducing Physical Geography
9. Mastering Brewing Science
10. Climates and Weather Explained

Ebsco e-books

1. Plant Nutrition of Greenhouse Crops
2. Competing on Analytics: Updated, with a New Introduction: The New Science of Winning
3. Principles of Marketing, Global Edition
4. C Programming for the Absolute Beginner, Third Edition
5. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
6. Doing Survey Research: A Guide to Quantitative Methods
7. Organizational Behavior
8. Sustainable Fibres for Fashion and Textile Manufacturing
9. Incoterms® 2020
10. The Design Thinking Playbook / Handbook of food factory design

O’Reilly e-books

1. Think Python, 3rd Edition
2. Software Requirements Essentials: Core Practices for Successful Business Analysis
3. Speed Metrics Guide: Choosing the Right Metrics to Use When Evaluating Websites
4. Implementing Data Mesh
5. Deciphering Data Architectures
6. Principles of Marketing by Pearson
7. Software Engineering
8. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition
9. Software Requirements, 3rd Edition
10. Data Management at Scale, 2nd Edition

VitalSource e-books

VitalSource e-books
1. Principles of Marketing, Global Edition
2. Innovation Management and New Product Development
3. Human Resource Management, Global Edition
4. Marketing: An Introduction, Global Edition
5. Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, Global Edition
6. Structural Analysis, SI Edition
7. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, SI Units
8. Mechanics of Materials, eBook, SI Edition
9. Craven & Hirnle’s Fundamentals of Nursing
10. Fundamentals of Nursing


Scholarly e-journals

All scholarly journals TOP 20

1. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (Elsevier)
2. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)
3. Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier)
4. Journal of Neonatal Nursing (Elsevier)
5. Science of The Total Environment (Elsevier)
6. Scientia Horticulturae (Elsevier)
7. International Journal of Nursing Studies (Elsevier)
8. Journal of Business Research (Elsevier)
9. Bioresource Technology (Elsevier)
10. Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier)
11. Journal of Building Engineering (Elsevier)
12. Journal of Clinical Nursing (Wiley)
13. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)
14. Industrial Crops and Products (Elsevier)
15. Heliyon (Elsevier)
16. ACM Conferences (ACM)
17. Journal of Materials Processing Technology (Elsevier)
18. British Journal of Nursing (Cinahl)
19. ACM Other conferences (ACM)
20. Journal of Business Ethics (Springer)


1. ACM Conferences
2. ACM Other conferences
3. ACM Computing Surveys
4. Communications of the ACM
5. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
6. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing
7. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
8. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment
9. ACM Transactions on Graphics
10. ACM SIGIR Forum


1. British Journal of Nursing
2. BMC nursing
3. British journal of community nursing
4. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
5. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation
6. The British Journal of Social Work
7. International Journal of Caring Sciences
8. Practice Nursing
9. Aging & Mental Health
10. Oncology Nursing Forum


1. Journal of Pediatric Nursing
2. Journal of Cleaner Production
3. Construction and Building Materials
4. Journal of Neonatal Nursing
5. Science of The Total Environment
6. Scientia Horticulturae
7. International Journal of Nursing Studies
8. Journal of Business Research
9. Bioresource Technology
10. Landscape and Urban Planning


1. Management Decision
2. Benchmarking: An International Journal
3. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
4. Journal of Organizational Change Management
5. Journal of Strategy and Management
6. Journal of Health Organization and Management
7. European Journal of Marketing
8. Journal of Knowledge Management
9. Business Process Management Journal
10. Leadership in Health Services


1. Journal of Management
2. California Management Review
3. Journal of Service Research
4. Journal of Marketing
5. Autism
6. Journal of Macromarketing
7. Leadership
8. Human Relations
9. Journal of Transcultural Nursing
10. Organization Studies


1. Journal of Business Ethics
2. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
3. Journal of Applied Phycology
4. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
5. Electronic Markets
6. Waste and Biomass Valorization
7. Agronomy for Sustainable Development
8. Business & Information Systems Engineering
9. Empirical Software Engineering
10. Higher Education


1. Journal of Clinical Nursing
2. Journal of Advanced Nursing
3. Business Strategy and the Environment
4. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
5. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
6. Journal of Nursing Management
7. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
8. Journal of Consumer Behaviour
9. Strategic Management Journal
10. International Journal of Consumer Studies

Other services

Filpster e-magazines

1. MIT Technology Review
2. PC Pro (England)
3. Ceramics Monthly
4. Newsweek Global
5. Vogue
6. Science News
7. Bloomberg Businessweek (Europe Edition)
8. Forbes
9. Livingetc
10. 3D world

Theseus: HAMK thesis downloads

1. Jyrsijän juoksupyörä
2. Johtimien mitoitus: Opetusmateriaali sähkö- ja automaatioalan perustutkintoon
3. Crypto Technical Analysis – Tools & BOTs Development
4. The Impact of Advertising on Sales Volume of a Product : A case of Starcomms Plc, Nigeria
5. Structural analysis and design of a warehouse building
6. The addictive design of mobile gacha games
7. PLC Controlling Program of an Elevator
8. STARTBANA Teoria. Ruotsin kielen itseopiskelumateriaali (HAMK publications)
9. Time-Based Competition in Tesla´s Supply Chain in the Era of Industry 4.0
10. Oikosulkumoottorin valinta ja mitoitus


Thank you for the image: MedinaLab@Pixabay

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