This is what we read in HAMK in 2023


The use of library e-collections remained steady last year, as well. There was very little change in the e-book titles that made the TOP10-lists, but we were happy to see many newcomers in the printed books list. More magazines were added to our collections last year, and it appears the new selection was successful: while Newsweek remained the most popular magazine, our new additions Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek were not far behind.

The biggest surprise was the scholarly journal Resuscitation, a newcomer to the top lists and straight to number one as the most read journal last year. The second place belongs to the Journal of pediatric nursing. Nursing journals dominated most of the top lists, as usual.

The following TOP10 lists do not record the number of use, for they are not comparable with each other. For more detailed information, please contact the library.

Finnish material (books, magazine, journals etc.) has been excluded from the TOP10-lists below. For more inclusive lists, see Näitä HAMK luki 2023 (in Finnish).

All e-books

  1. OCR as business (Ebook Central)
  2. Principles of marketing (Pearson)
  3. RCM – gateway to world class maintenance (Ebook Central)
  4. A student’s guide to presentations (Ebook Central)
  5. Innovation management and new product development (Pearson)
  6. Human resource management (Pearson)
  7. Designing embedded systems and the internet of things (Ebook Central)
  8. IEC 61131-3: programming industrial automation systems (Ebook Central)
  9. Cultures and organizations (Ebook Central)
  10. Marketing: an introduction (Pearson)

Library print books

  1. Technical formulas
  2. Residential landscape architecture
  3. How to grow in a ModulAIR glasshouse (new)
  4. A grammar book of Finnish (new)
  5. Principles of horticultural physiology (new)
  6. Engineering mechanics (new)
  7. The design thinking playbook (new)
  8. Structural engineering formulas (new)
  9. Sustainable ceramics (new)
  10. Deepfakes (new)

E-book Central

  1. OCR as business
  2. RCM – gateway to world class maintenace
  3. A student’s guide to presentations
  4. Designing embedded systems and the internet of things with..
  5. IEC 61131-3: programming industrial automation systems
  6. Cultures and organizations
  7. Beyond change management
  8. Designing interfaces
  9. Basic industrial biotechnology
  10. MS PowerBI quick start guide


  1. Business model generation
  2. Plant nutrition of greenhouse crops
  3. Competing on analytics
  4. C programming for the absolute beginner
  5. Management and welfare of farm animals
  6. This is a prototype: the curious craft of exploring new ideas
  7. The design thinking playbook
  8. Circular economy: case studies about the transition from the linear economy
  9. Incoterms 2020
  10. Principles of marketing


  1. Principles of marketing
  2. Innovation management and new product development
  3. Human resource management
  4. Marketing: an introduction
  5. Management
  6. Strategic brand management
  7. Management information systems
  8. Exploring public relations and management communication
  9. Mechanics of materials
  10. Statics and mechanics of materials
  11. Manufacturing engineering and technology

Theseus: HAMK thesis downloads

  1. Crypto Technical Analysis – Tools & BOTs Development
  2. Jyrsijän juoksupyörä
  3. The Impact of Advertising on Sales Volume of a Product : A case of Starcomms Plc, Nigeria
  4. Johtimien mitoitus: opetusmateriaali sähkö- ja automaatioalan perustutkintoon
  5. PLC Controlling Program of an Elevator
  6. Structural analysis and design of a warehouse building
  7. STARTBANA Teoria. Ruotsin kielen itseopiskelumateriaali (HAMK publications)
  8. STARTBANA Tehtävät. Ruotsin kielen itseopiskelumateriaali (HAMK publications)
  9. Customer satisfaction and service quality at Fafa’s restaurant
  10. Potilasopas valkojäkälää sairastavalle omahoidon tukemiseksi

 Flipster magazines

  1. Newsweek Global
  2. Forbes
  3. Bloomberg Businessweek (Europe Edition)
  4. Livingetc
  5. MIT Technology Review
  6. Vogue
  7. EDGE
  8. Wired
  9. 3D World
  10. Linux Format

Scholarly journals

All scholarly journals TOP 10

  1. Resuscitation (Cinahl)
  2. Journal of Pediatric Nursing (Elsevier)
  3. Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)
  4. Journal of Neonatal Nursing (Elsevier)
  5. British journal of nursing (Cinahl)
  6. Wound repair and regeneration (Cinahl)
  7. British journal of community nursing (Cinahl)
  8. Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier)
  9. BMC nursing (Cinahl)
  10. Applied Energy (Elsevier)


  1. ACM Conferences
  2. ACM Other conferences
  3. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
  4. Communications of the ACM
  5. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  6. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
  7. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
  8. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  9. ACM transactions on management information systems (TMIS)
  10. Proceeding of the VLDP endowment


  1. Resuscitation
  2. British journal of nursing
  3. Wound repair and regeneration
  4. British journal of community nursinf
  5. BMC nursing
  6. Wounds international
  7. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences
  8. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE Online
  9. European child & adolescent psychiatry
  10. Health expectations


  1. Journal of Pediatric Nursing
  2. Journal of Cleaner Production
  3. Journal of Neonatal Nursing
  4. Resources, Conservation and Recycling
  5. Applied Energy
  6. Automation in Construction
  7. Food Chemistry
  8. Science of the Total Environment
  9. Solar Energy
  10. Bioresource Technology


  1. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal
  2. British Food Journal
  3. Management Decision
  4. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
  5. Career Development International
  6. Personnel Review
  7. Journal of Service Management
  8. International Journal of Organizational Analysis
  9. Journal of Services Marketing
  10. Employee Relations: The International Journal


  1. Human Factors
  2. Journal of management
  3. California management review
  4. Outlook on agriculture
  5. Nursing ethics
  6. Journal of service research
  7. Journal of transcultural nursing
  8. Journal of internpersonal violence
  9. Journal of perioperative practice
  10. Journal of pediatric hematology / oncology nursing


  1. Journal of business ethics
  2. Fashion and textiles
  3. Vocations and learning
  4. European food research and technology
  5. Agronomy for sustainable development
  6. Environment, development and sustainability
  7. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
  8. Journal of international business studies
  9. Environmental science and pollution research
  10. Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems


  1. Journal of Advanced Nursing
  2. Journal of Clinical Nursing
  3. Grass and Forage Science
  4. Business Strategy and the Environment
  5. Journal of Nursing Management
  6. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
  7. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
  8. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
  9. Strategic Management Journal
  10. International Journal of Food Science & Technology

Thank you for the image: MedinaLab@Pixabay

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