Boost your work and save time with BrowZine


BrowZine is HAMK library virtual journal platform that allows you to step up your work and save time. This is how:

Start by registering

To get the most out of BrowZine, you need to register with the service. You can use any email address you want to register. Please note that the information you provide to BrowZine is stored on servers in the United States. By registering, you agree to BrowZine’s privacy policy.

Collect your journals in one place

BrowZine brings together the journal collections acquired by HAMK library from different publishers. In BrowZine, you can save all the journals you follow in your own bookshelf, where they are easy to follow and use. You can arrange the bookshelf according to your own wishes.

Find new journals on the same topic

Do you want to look for new journals on your topic? In BrowZine, you can search for journals by topic, or use an interesting journal as a starting point to identify similar journals.
Video: Discover new journals with Browzine

Receive tables of content in your e-mail

Time and effort are saved when you subscribe to the journal’s new table of contents. You will receive an e-mail as soon as a new issue has been published.

Stay current with what you have already read

With BrowZine’s Unread entry, you can track what you’ve already read or save articles for later use. You can make the Unread entry by journal, issue, or article.

Save and share articles

In BrowZine, you can store interesting articles on your own bookshelf and arrange them by theme or topic. You can also export articles to reference management systems (e.g. Zotero, RefWorks) or share them with colleagues.

Find the most prestigious journals

Are you looking for a suitable publication channel for your article? Search BrowZine for journals in your field and sort them by rank. BrowZine uses Scimago Journal Ranking that is based on Scopus.

For more information, see BrowZine tutorials: Staying current with BrowZine and  BrowZine user tutorial

Originally published on HAMK intranet on April 17th, 2024.

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