Webinar – speaking in front of the camera


On the 16th of January, a presentation was held to introduce HAMK’s degree programmes conducted in English for online viewers. Webinar was meant especially for Finns – we were speaking how it is to study in English as a Finn.

I have never been good at making presentations or holding them, but during my studies, it has become an unavoidable thing, which has thought me much. I know what to do, what to avoid and how to prepare for it and what to do when something happens that you cannot prepare for. That is why I wanted to participate to this webinar also, to do a presentation like I haven’t done before.

Webinar comes from the words: Web-seminar, smart right?? Basically, you are holding a presentation, but you don’t know if one or a hundred people are watching. What is the biggest difference for me that you cannot see the faces, to whom you are presenting for. I usually try to read the audience faces to see if they are bored to make the presentation more lively or are they interested and talk more about that subject. But in the webinar I was presenting to a faceless camera, some people would probably like to present like this and some won’t even see a difference.

I learned a lot from this experience and now I know what is it like to participate in a webinar. And would surely participate again to see if or how much did I improve.

This blog post is written by HAMK Valkeakoski Campus student Santeri Norppa, who studies Electrical and Automation Engineering and participated Marketing Ring course.

Are you interested in studying at HAMK? Check the webinar about application and studies here (Finnish) or the English version from here. 

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