HAMK’s footwear design students at the MICAM trade fair in Milan
In February, five HAMK footwear design students headed to Milan for the giant MICAM footwear fair. The students had their…More
In February, five HAMK footwear design students headed to Milan for the giant MICAM footwear fair. The students had their…More
Asiat vaativat niille varatun ajan. Siihen ajatukseen kiteytyy myös kohta loppuun saatettava monimuotoinen opintopolkuni liiketalouden…More
Aiemmin poliisina työskennellyt ja sittemmin eri tehtävissä urheilun parissa uraa luonut Sini Forsblom opiskelee monimuotona…More
Hei vaan kaikille! nimeni on Timi Kohonen ja aloitin työt HAMKin Yrittäjyyden ja liiketoiminnan yksikössä…More
Ricardo Galiot, started teaching at HAMK Valkeakoski in International business degree program. Experienced in marketing…More
Marjo Tapio, one of the International Business student working in the SISU project kindly tells…More
I am Sorana Rida, 21 years old from Romania. I am currently studying in HAMK…More