This is what HAMK read in 2020


We are still compiling library user statistics from 2020, but here is a little taste of what is to come: our most read books, magazines and journals by service provider. These TOP10 lists focus on our collections in English; for a more complete picture, see the Finnish blog post.

The following  TOP10 lists do not include number of use, for service providers have different criteria for their user statistics and the numbers are not commensurable. Full statistics will be published later.

Books and e-books

HAMK Thesis downloads

  1. Structural analysis and design of a warehouse building
  2. Concrete skateparks
  3. The application of digital marketing strategies to increase profits of the organization
  4. Jyrsijän juoksupyörä
  5. Fatigue failure and testing methods

Ebook Central e-books

  1. Quality Management Demystified
  2. Linear Algebra
  3. RCM–Gateway to World Class Maintenance
  4. OCR AS Business
  5. Basics of Inventory Management
  6. Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5
  7. Handbook of Food and Beverage
  8. Fermentation Technology
  9. The Toyota Way
  10. Basic Industrial Biotechnology Biotechnology

Ebsco e-books

  1. C Programming for the Absolute Beginner
  2. Organizational Behavior
  3. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and
  4. Principles of Marketing
  5. The Smart Entrepreneur (Part I: Idea Creation and Evaluation)
  6. Value proposition design ―how to create products and services customers want
  7. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
  8. Plant Nutrition of Greenhouse Crops
  9. Business Information Systems and Technology 4.0: New Trends in the Age of
    Digital Change
  10. Employer Brand: Bringing the Best of Brand Management to People at Work

Magazine and journals

Flipster e-magazines

  1. Newsweek Global
  2. Livingetc
  3. 3D World
  4. Digital Photographer
  5. Technology Review: MIT’s Magazine of Innovation
  6. Vogue
  7. EDGE
  8. Wired
  9. Wallpaper
  10. Selvedge

Ebsco Business Source Elite

  1. Harvard Business Review
  2. International journal of production research
  3. Journal of marketing management
  4. Newsweek Global
  5. Beverage Industry
  6. The International Journal of Human Resource Management
  7. The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
  8. Administrative Sciences
  9. California Management Review
  10. Academy of Management Journal

Ebsco Cinahl

  1. British Journal of Nursing
  2. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
  3. British journal of community nursing
  4. Journal of Nursing UFPE On Line
  5. BioMed Research International
  6. International Journal of Caring Sciences
  7. MedSurg Nursing
  8. Journal of Trauma Nursing
  9. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing
  10. American journal of critical care

Elsevier Science Direct

  1. Journal of Cleaner Production
  2. Bioresource Technology
  3. Science of The Total Environment
  4. Nurse Education Today
  5. Computers in Human Behavior
  6. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
  7. International Journal of Nursing Studies
  8. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
  9. Energy and Buildings
  10. Food Chemistry

Emerald Insight

  1. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
  2. Journal of Management Development
  3. European Journal of Marketing
  4. Assembly Automation
  5. Journal of Workplace Learning
  6. Journal of European Industrial Training
  7. Leadership & Organization Development Journal
  8. Career Development International
  9. Education + Training
  10. Management Decision


  1. Journal of Business Ethics
  2. Construction Robotics
  3. Scientometrics
  4. Energy Efficiency
  5. Agronomy for Sustainable Development
  6. Higher Education
  7. Building Simulation
  8. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
  9. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
  10. Plant and Soil

Article photo courtesy of MedinaLab@Pixabay

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