Jump to the next level by listening to audiobooks


Are you an IT student who wants to deepen your knowledge and be prepared for future challenges? Download the O’Reilly app and get access to more than three thousand audiobooks from top industry experts who will help you become a true professional.

For example, you can listen to Kim Crawley’s recent work “Hacker Culture A to Z“, which delves into the secrets of the cyber world. Numa Dhaman and Maggie Engler’s “Introduction to Generative AI“, which opens up the latest developments in artificial intelligence for you.

If you are interested in software architecture, Neal Ford, Mark Richards and Pramod Sadalage’s “Software Architecture, the Hard Parts” provides in-depth knowledge of the most difficult architectural challenges. Do you want to develop as a team leader? Michael Loppin’s “The Art of Leadership” is an inspiring guide to honing leadership skills.

And don’t forget Tobias Macey’s “97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know“, an absolute must for all data analytics professionals. Tanya Reilly’s “The Staff Engineer’s Path” provides valuable advice for even more experienced engineers.

The free O’Reilly app is available in your app store. Log in to O’Reilly with HAMK credentials. You can also listen to audiobooks in your computer browser.

Image: Adobe Stock

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