Talent Boost Newsroom _ 11.2023


Training and course opportunities

  • Boost your job search skills with HAMK Talent Boost. Save the date and join our third HAMK Talent Boost job search skills boosting training on 28 November about networking and company research. This training is hybrid and is led by Ms Elisabeth Mieludaki, a job search coach, entrepreneur, and PhD researcher at the University of Helsinki. Get to know about Elisabeth better here.
  • 16:00 – 17:30, Tue, 28 Nov.
    • Networking and company research
    • Hybrid
    • Location: Lobby, 1st floor, N building, Hämeenlinna University Centre
    • Join via Teams here
  • The start-up ”ELEVEL-Academy” invites you to participate in a series of free educational offerings in the coming weeks. The company hosts webinars on topics such as AI in the professional context, Excel skills, project management, giving you the opportunity to gain practical and interactive insights into new technologies and approaches to solving complex problems in just 2 hours. The interactive webinars are conducted by experienced instructors and offer not only valuable content but also the opportunity for direct exchange on the subject matter and clarification of questions. The offered webinars are interesting for all Students, regardless of the field of study or graduation date. By participating in the webinars, you also have the opportunity to receive an individual certificate. Feel free to register for free for the webinars on the ELEVEL website using the following link:

    For any questions regarding the webinars, please contact Mr. Middelhauve from ELEVEL at the email max.middelhauve@elevel-academy.de.

Finnish Language Learning

Work Opportunities

  • Summer jobs and trainee programmes at Duunitori


  • Internship Programme with Finnair 2024


  • Sustainability Trainee


  • Job Market

The Employment and Economic Development Services (TE Services) is a state authority that organises and produces employment services. Please, notice that they provide customer services only for unemployed job seekers. Anyhow, all job seekers are invited to use their Job Marker platform. So, as a student looking for a part-time or summer job, we recommend you create a profile at the Job Market, where your profile can be matched with possible employers and open positions. https://tyomarkkinatori.fi/en

  • Internship opportunities on Tiitus

More information about Tiitus recruitment platform: https://www.hamk.fi/students/hamk-talents-link-to-the-labour-market/?lang=en.

IT Trainee https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/11205874?jobs=11205874

Web developer trainee https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/10009844?jobs=10009844

Marketing trainee https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/11205871?jobs=11205871

Internship in International Association https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/10965751?jobs=10965751

Social Media Internship in Africa https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/776108?jobs=776108

Marketing and Management Internship in Africa https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/971198?jobs=971198

Internship and Thesis Opportunity in marketing and developing a new kind of service for the glass industry https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/10977977?jobs=10977977

Eco-Construction Internship in Africa https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/11181751?jobs=11181751

LCA Training Program Coordinator https://app.tiitus.fi/hamk/jobs/13498928?jobs=13498928

  • Opportunities with Academic Work


  • Work in Finland


Networking and recruitment events at HAMK

  • 24.11.2023 Rakennustekniikan rekrytointipäivä, Hämeenlinna University Center, for Construction Engineering students
  • 29.11.2023 Mustialan avoimet ovet, HAMK Mustiala campus, for Climate Smart Agriculture students
  • 16.1.2024 Inssitreffit, Valkeakoski campus, for Electrical and Automation Engineering students
  • 16.1.2024 Career Day, Valkeakoski campus, for International Business students

Other networking events

15.11.2023, Huawei Finland Event for Students – DIGITALL NIGHT of HUAWEI CONNECT 2023, check the event page here: https://www.huawei.com/eu/events/eu/digital-night-huawei-connect-2023-paris. Choose Finland as the event country.

Talent Boost Summit 2023 – Matchmaking with companies (01:30 pm – 05:00 pm, November 23, 2023): https://www.workinfinland.com/en/events-talent/talent-boost-summit-2023/Registration needed.

Tips for getting prepared for different kinds of networking and recruitment events

  • Mark the date on your calendar and set a reminder if necessary!
  • Set your goals and define the purpose of the event that you are participating.
  • Be prepared!
    • Do some research on the companies that are participating in the event.
    • Update your CVs and print out a few copies.
    • Update yoour LinkedIn profile and create a QR code for your LinkedIn profile.
    • Prepare a short elevator pitch about yourself – what are your most relevant skills and experience.
    • Come with an open mind and readiness for discussions.
  • Network! Network! Network! You never know who you will bump into during the event or what kind of your projects you are getting to know. So talk to people actively during the event.
  • Take notes and make concrete connections. Write down key points and key information that you gather during the event. Connect with people on LinkedIn, exchange name cards and make plans for future connections.

Support and guidance

If you need specific support and guidance in job seeking and application, BOOK a mentoring session with HAMK talent boost mentors:

  • Mentor: Katariina From

· Book a meeting with Katariina ·

Hei, hauska tavata! I am one of the Talent Boost Mentors. I worked at national recruitment and employment services before, and I am familiar with the different kinds of services for foreign students on both local levels and national levels. Besides working as a mentor at HAMK, I am an Italian language teacher in the Adult Education Centre (VOP) in Hämeenlinna. I will gladly answer your questions as a Finnish local and help you settle in as well as develop your career path in Finland.

  • Mentor: Qingyang Li

· Book a meeting with Qingyang ·

Ahoy! I am one of the talent-boost mentors. I came to study my degree in Finland about five years ago. I have worked in many different Finnish companies and organisations as different roles, and thus have learned how to navigate in the Finnish labour market. Besides working as a mentor, I am also a part-time entrepreneur. I understand that the journey of staying in Finland as a foreign student is filled with ups and downs, joys and tears. I am here to listen to your needs and support you with guidance.

About HAMK Talent Boost

Get to know more about HAMK Talent Boost here: https://www.hamk.fi/talentboost.

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