This blog is about my favourite places around Evo. I have gotten to know these places mostly in the first few months of living here. Before studies started, I had plenty of time to explore the area and hiking trails, my goal for this blog is to give you an idea of the many interesting sights this area has to offer.

I usually start my walks by going east from Evo campus towards Syrjänalusenharju. The short climb onto the ridge is worth the view and surrounding nature. There is one particularly big boulder where I like to take a moment. I’ll climb on top of it and take in the surroundings, sounds and smells. At this point I will have collected quite a few blueberries to eat during my little break, outside of blueberry season I unfortunately have to bring my own snacks.
Another great place to take a moment during a hike is the spring next to Karvalammi lake near the end of the ridge. In summer the cold spring water is a welcome refreshment, and the view alone is a reason to enjoy this spot for a little bit longer.

I don’t know what it is about duckboards (pitkospuut) that I like so much, but every time I see duckboards on a hiking route, I get excited. Maybe it’s the usually swampy or wet area around it, or it could be the critters that can be found on and around them.
These duckboards can be found right next to the spring, which makes the water underneath them incredibly clear. I love taking a little moment here to just look into the water and see what life can be found at the bottom of the lake.
A little bit west of the spring an unusual structure can be found. The beaver dam is a collective effort of the group of around 40 beavers living in the Evo area. These beavers are in fact an invasive species that are being tolerated by the local authorities. Whenever I get to visit this remarkable site, I admire it from the wooden bridge that has been built over the dam. If you go here early in the morning and stay very quiet, you might have a chance of spotting one of these little workers.
After a good hike my favourite thing to do is spend the evening in sauna. On campus we have a beautiful sauna with, in my opinion, the best view of whole Evo. On some nights I’ve even been lucky enough to see the aurora borealis from there. I even like to go there just to enjoy a cup of tea and look out onto the lake.

I hope reading this makes you excited to visit these places or maybe even explore and find your own favourite places around Evo. There are enough places around here I would still like to get to know, so I’m looking forward to being here for the years to come.