Meet our staff: Deepak KC


Deepak KC works as a Senior Lecturer at HAMK in the School of Entrepreneurship and Business. He is responsible for teaching courses in Business IT & Computer Applications. His journey of being a lecturer started back in the beginning of January, 2009. Since then he has been 10 years in the education sector as a lecturer. He has worked as a senior lecturer at Kajaani University of Applied Sciences before he started to work at HAMK. His work at HAMK started with random phone calls and Skype conversations that ultimately brought him to the current position. He says it’s a long story to the current position of his.

Your educational background

I completed bachelor’s degree in business information technology from Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences (Current Lapin AMK), Master’s Degree in Information Science from University of Oulu and Pedagogy Studies from Oulu University of Applied Sciences. In addition to these academic qualifications, over time I have enrolled myself to several short-term trainings and certifications. I strongly believe in Lifelong learning. We as human beings are learning all the time be it when travelling, at school, at home or just anywhere.


Do you love teaching?

I do!! I definitely do!!
I love teaching from the bottom of my heart and soul. When you learn, you become able to teach but trust me learning does not stop at that point, it continues. When you teach, you learn more that’s the beauty of this profession. I have travelled around the world and have taught in different countries as a visiting lecturer. It has provided me an opportunity to know multiple education systems, people and cultures.

Your free time activities

I love to spend lots of time with my family and kids. They are my strength. I play second division cricket under the Finnish cricket association (FCA) during the summer. We have a registered cricket club in Helsinki. Walking, travelling with my family and watching sports on TV (specially cricket) are my favourite free time activities.

Your message for students at HAMK

I am quite sure you will love the learning atmosphere at HAMK. Being away from home sometimes is a difficult thing but you will manage it. Make new friends, party and enjoy life as much as you can, without forgetting the fact that the next morning, you will have to get to school to learn. As simple as it is: you learn, and you win.

Please remember there is no secret to success. It has a very simple equation that equals to your sweat, dedication, determination, hard work and a bit of luck. Regardless of what the situations is or might be, based on my experience, all I can say is never give up and keep working hard.

I wish you all the very best for starting your studies at HAMK!

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