As a part of the Exploring European Markets studies a group of HAMK International Business student went on a trip to Brussels for their Brussels Project. There, they visited many different institutions of the European Union (EU), including the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Also, they got a chance to taste the local food and beer. Students wrote blog posts about their experiences and here are some of the highlights of their visit.
The European Parliament & the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
The visit to the European Parliament took place on the first day of the Brussels trip. Students got to see the interesting parliament buildings and also discuss about current issues with administrator and lecturer Janez Vouk.

The second day of the Brussels trip started off with a visit at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). The presenter Jüri Soosaar who works at the EESC as Administrator in the ECO Section gave a speech about the tasks of the EESC and how it is divided.

The European Committee of Regions (CoR) & the Tampere Region EU Office
During the trip students also had a chance to pay a visit to the European Committee of Regions (CoR) which is an EU body of regional and local representatives. Students were guided by Mr. Robert Ronstrom who shared many interesting real cases that had been discussed in the plenary sessions at the CoR.

After visiting the European Committee of the Region and the European Economic and Social Committee in the morning the group went to the Tampere Region EU Office. There students were able to gain a more detailed insight into the work processes of the individual offices. The Tampere EU Office has been in Brussels since 1999.
Tastes of Belgium
International Business student Eric had also a change to visit Ghent, another city in Belgium, couple days before the official trip started. Eric visited his friend who studies there and showed the city. Eric also got to know something about the local food which was usually served in places called “Frituur”. Food is mostly deep-fried dishes, and the side dish is always fries. Eric’s favorite Belgian waffles were also served in Ghent. Belgian waffles are basically normal waffles covered in caramel. Belgium is also famous for their beers which is no surprise.

In Brussels, International Business student Derek was assigned to select a restaurant which offered authentic Belgian food. The task was quite difficult because there are such large varieties of locations and food in Brussels and because the Belgian cuisine is not so defined. Derek decided to head with his group to a restaurant named Ballekes which specialized in only Belgian meatballs with Belgian fries and a drink of your choice. Overall, the experience was great and everyone on the trip enjoyed the food and location.

Check also IB student Amanjot’s Student Bulletin about the Brussel visit >>>