Moi ja tervetuloa seuraamaan Evon elämää englanniksi!
The first group of international students of forestry have had communication studies in modules 1 and 2. The aim of the second module is to practice professional communication skills, both spoken and written. We have had visitors in Evo and we have organized an event in Hämeenlinna, and now we are learning how to write blog posts.
Our communication studies are always connected to our core competences and forestry studies and our first blog posts will be about the maps we have prepared in forest management classes. The students in the group will prepare and publish their posts as part of their communication studies. We hope to have interesting and versatile texts about different maps we have created using online mapping software.
We hope to continue writing the blog throughout our studies in Evo and we hope anyone interested in reading about forestry at Evo campus in English finds our blog helpful.
Metsä kutsuu, kuuleeko kaupunki?
(c) Taru Toppola (c) Taru Toppola (c) Taru Toppola